Aardvark Topsites PHP 5.2 Manual

This manual is for Aardvark Topsites PHP 5.2.x. Manuals for other versions:
5.2.x | 5.1.x | 5.0.x | 4.2.x | 4.1.x | 4.0.x | 3.2.x

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Upgrade to 5.2.1

Server Requirements

  • PHP 4.3.0 or higher
  • MySQL 4.0.4 or higher

Server Recommendations

  • For the word verification function (CAPTCHA), the GD library must be installed with FreeType support.


Upgrading is only supported for Aardvark Topsites PHP 4.1.0 or higher. If you are one of the few people using an older version, you must upgrade to a version between 4.1.0 and 4.2.2 before upgrading to Aardvark Topsites PHP 5.

You should back up your data before upgrading in case something goes wrong. The upgrader will not delete any of your data, but it is always a good practice to have backups.

Skins from older versions are not entirely compatible with the new version. For information on how to update your skin, read the upgrade skins instructions.


From 5.2.0

There are just a few minor changes in the following files:

  • button.php
  • feed.php
  • index.php
  • sources/join.php
  • sources/out.php
  • sources/rate.php
  • sources/admin/approve.php
  • sources/admin/delete.php
  • sources/misc/classes.php
  • sources/misc/new_day.php
  • sources/misc/skin.php

To upgrade, just upload those files. If you have some mods in those files that you don't want to lose, then you can see exactly what has changed by going here

From 5.1.x

  1. Delete all your old Aardvark Topsites PHP files except settings_sql.php and settings_buttons.php
  2. Upload all the new files to the same folder as your old settings_sql.php and settings_buttons.php
  3. CHMOD 666 settings_sql.php
  4. Go to install/upgrade-5.1.x.php in your browser and follow the instructions there
  5. Delete the install folder
  6. CHMOD 644 settings_sql.php

From 5.0.x

  1. Delete all your old Aardvark Topsites PHP files except settings_sql.php and settings_buttons.php
  2. Upload all the new files to the same folder as your old settings_sql.php and settings_buttons.php
  3. CHMOD 666 settings_sql.php
  4. Go to install/upgrade-5.0.x.php in your browser and follow the instructions there
  5. Delete the install folder
  6. CHMOD 644 settings_sql.php

From 4.1.x or 4.2.x

  1. Delete all your old Aardvark Topsites PHP files except config.php
  2. Upload all the new files to the same folder as your old config.php
  3. CHMOD 666 settings_sql.php
  4. Go to install/upgrade-4.x.php in your browser and follow the instructions there
  5. Delete the install folder
  6. CHMOD 644 settings_sql.php
  7. After you have confirmed everything is working, delete your old config.php